
KENCO is managed by a board of 9 directors drawn from member organizations. The board is responsible for key decision making and carrying the vision of the organization forward including sustainability. Within the board are various committees that handle various issues at the board level e.g., procurement, human resource, advocacy, resource mobilization etc. These committees meet often depending on the tasks at hand. The National Executive Committee of the board comprising the Board Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer meet often to deliberate and make decisions on important issues that do not require the participation of the full board. The following are the board members and the member organizations that they are affiliated with:

Evans ole Mapelu
Philip Odiyo
Prisca Githuka

Evans O Mapelu

Board Chairperson

Philip Odiyo

Vice Chairperson

Prisca Githuka

Board Secretary

Liz Ragui
Dorothy Nyong'o
Asaph Kinyanjui

Elizabeth Ragui

Board Treasurer

Dorothy Nyong’o

Board Member

Dr. Asaph Kinyanjui

Board Member

Jessie Githang'a
Thomas Lindi
Sidney Chahonyo

Prof Jessie Githang’a

Board Member

Thomas Lindi

Board Member

Sidney Chahonyo

Board Member


KENCO has a functional secretariat of 8 staff responsible for the day to day running of the organization. Below are the names of the KENCO team and their roles.

Phoebe Ongadi
Charles Muya
Carol Ntinyari

Phoebe Ongadi

Executive Director

Charles Muya

Program Manager

Caroline Ntinyari

Admin & Member Relations

Nancy Okenagwa
Nancy Mueni
Sheila Chepng'eno

Nancy Okenagwa

Communications & Networking Officer

Nancy Mueni

Finance Officer

Sheila Chepng’eno


Dennis Karuge

Dennis Karuge


Board Advisors

David Makumi

David Makumi

Media & Communications

Catherine Wachira

Catherine Wachira

Legal Affairs

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